On 11/4/2018 11:42 AM, Pamela wrote:
> On 19:22 4 Nov 2018, "Cheri" > wrote in
> news
>> "Brice" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Sun, 04 Nov 2018 10:12:33 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>>>> Pamela wrote:
>>>>> I tend to view pancakes with sweet syrup as essentially children's
>>>>> food.
>>>> It's your opinion and that's fine....BUT...when you post that here -
>>>> I think your view is stupid, narrow minded and arrogant. No need to
>>>> criticize others likes in food. Please don't turn in to another Bwuce
>>>> here, one of that nonsense is more than enough.
>>> Yes, Gary has the right to love his pleb food! Pleb food all the way
>>> for Gary!
>>> (The paint fumes have led to arrested development with Gary. That's
>>> why he eats like a child.)
>> Who enjoys food more than a child?
> Conversely...... who refuses more good food than a child?
>> Lots of great food mixtures and mash-ups, things that adults would
>> never consider combining.
> Children want entertainment more than they want food. I don't know if
> it's good or bad but I'm not a child any longer and don't have a child's
> taste for food.
you obviously had a very different childhood thant I did.
>> LOL Good for Gary! Cheri
> I hope no one here eats meals while playing with cartoon dinosaurs or
> superhero models.
Why would that bother you?