"Cheri" wrote in message news
>> D is supposed to be diabetic too but his blood sugar was only bad once!
>> Of course he has been diagnosed so he has to keep up with the annual
>> tests etc.
>> Hope it goes well for you!
> OK, so how do you know that it was only bad once? Is he testing every day?
> Two hours after meals for instance? What do they consider an OK A1c in the
> UK for annual test? Not trying to be a smart aleck, just curious.
> Cheri
> ==
> Of course you are not being a smart aleck!!!!
> Here the max level before classification as diabetic, is a reading of 6 in
> Scotland but is a reading of 7 in England.
> The initial test is done in the morning after 12 hours fasting. If you
> have a reading over that then there are further tests at 3 month
> intervals.
> You only have to do the regular daily readings if two or more of the tests
> exceed 6. D. does have a test kit but only uses it if he experiences any
> symptoms. He has tested several times but the reading were always in
> the normal band so they weren't related to his blood sugar.
Thanks for the explanation O, I was curious what the criteria is where you
are. Glad that his readings are normal.
Thank you!! So am I

I know he is very lucky and I only hope that
continues! I am very aware of what I cook so that it can't hurt him in any