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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Pork chops smothered in mushroom soup

> A goose has to be roasted exactly right if it is not to be a horrible,
> greasy mess.

Please, when you get time, tell how to do it right, iyo.

I've always wanted to try goose. Have to special order it around
Christmas time here as stores don't normally carry it. Pretty
expensive too. I've always wanted to try it though.

The first (and only) time I cooked duck (domestic) I did it all
wrong. I treated it like a roast chicken...stuffed and roasted.
What a greasy mess that was. Still very delicious though so I ate
way too much. For the next several months, just the mention of
"DUCK" would make me nauseous. It was a family joke between my
daughter and I for years. heh heh

Odd shaped too. It was like a rectangular-shaped body, like a box
with wings and legs.

Note: In the past several years, a hunter friend always offers me
free wild ducks. Heck...cage free, free range, organic little
boys and girls. I rarely accept the offer though. The wild ones
are a bit gamey, very lean and not worth all the cleaning trouble
that a shot duck entails. You also have to be careful not to
break a tooth on a missed shot pellet when eating it.

He doesn't gut, remove feathers or anything. Each duck he eats,
he just cuts out the few ounces of breast meat and throws the
rest away. That's wrong imo. I scold/tease him about that