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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Reviving crystallized maple syrup?

On 2018-11-05 3:48 PM, Terry Coombs wrote:
> On 11/4/2018 9:14 AM, graham wrote:

>>> Most honey sold in the US is pasteurized, anyway. And filtered.
>>> Besides, very few eat enough honey to make any nutritional difference
>>> in diet, even if the enzymes, bee pollen, etc are still there.

>> My point was that nuking (at low level) is no different to sitting the
>> jar in hot water. Some seem to associate microwave radiation with
>> nuclear.

> Â* Science isn't your strong suit is it ? Look it up if you doubt me
> ,but microwaves ARE radiation - of a certain frequency , or wavelength .
> So are X-rays and Gamma rays and visible light . ALL are
> "electromagnetic radiation" . Now , about the honey . Because of the way
> microwaves heat , that is by molecular excitation , they destroy the
> organic and microbiological stuff in honey . We eat enough to make a
> difference , my wife has cut way back on antihistamines and other
> sinus/allergy medications . I never took much , now don't take any at all .

I have been waiting for an explanation about destroying the bee enzymes
in honey makes it less beneficial to humans. The best you have done is
to say that nuking honey destroys the "organic and microbiological
stuff". If that was a high school biology test question your answer
would get a zero.