"Terry Coombs" wrote in message news
On 11/6/2018 4:09 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Terry Coombs" wrote in message news
> On 11/4/2018 9:14 AM, graham wrote:
>> On 2018-11-04 7:05 AM, Boron Elgar wrote:
>>> On Sat, 3 Nov 2018 21:48:46 -0500, Terry Coombs >
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 11/3/2018 8:05 PM, graham wrote:
>>>>> On 2018-11-03 4:57 PM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>>>>> Please tell me you did NOT put your honey in the microwave ...
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> will kill all the beneficial properties of the honey .
>>>>> Old wive's tale!
>>>> OK , it's an old wives tale and we beekeepers know nothing about it
>>>> . You go right ahead and nuke your honey . Mine will never see temps
>>>> above about a hundred degrees - the highest temp usually seen inside a
>>>> hive . Oh wait , what you've got is probably not even real honey , but
>>>> flavored corn syrup . Nuke away !
>>> Most honey sold in the US is pasteurized, anyway. And filtered.
>>> Besides, very few eat enough honey to make any nutritional difference
>>> in diet, even if the enzymes, bee pollen, etc are still there.
>> My point was that nuking (at low level) is no different to sitting the
>> jar in hot water. Some seem to associate microwave radiation with
>> nuclear.
> Science isn't your strong suit is it ? Look it up if you doubt me
> ,but microwaves ARE radiation - of a certain frequency , or wavelength .
> So are X-rays and Gamma rays and visible light . ALL are
> "electromagnetic radiation" . Now , about the honey . Because of the way
> microwaves heat , that is by molecular excitation , they destroy the
> organic and microbiological stuff in honey . We eat enough to make a
> difference , my wife has cut way back on antihistamines and other
> sinus/allergy medications . I never took much , now don't take any at all
> .
> Snag
> ====
> That is wonderful!! Whatever anyone else says, it is working on your and
> your wife's health!
> It is different for you because you are getting your honey fresh. How do
> the jars compare?
> Just to let you know, I won't be microwaving it any more
Good for you ! The honey you buy off the shelf at the grocery store has
a passing resemblance to fresh local honey ... read the label ! There
are many "honey products" out there that have been cut with HFCS and
have other chemicals added "as preservatives" . Natural honey needs no
preservatives . To get any allergen benefits , the honey must be local
and unfiltered so it has the same pollens as what you're exposed to .
I don't know of any local bee keepers

I will inspect the jars when I buy