Reviving crystallized maple syrup?
On Wed, 7 Nov 2018 09:17:47 -0600, Terry Coombs >
>On 11/5/2018 4:20 PM, Boron Elgar wrote:
>> On Mon, 5 Nov 2018 14:48:02 -0600, Terry Coombs >
>> wrote:
>>> Now , about the honey . Because of the way
>>> microwaves heat , that is by molecular excitation , they destroy the
>>> organic and microbiological stuff in honey . We eat enough to make a
>>> difference , my wife has cut way back on antihistamines and other
>>> sinus/allergy medications . I never took much , now don't take any at all .
>> "...they destroy the organic and microbiological stuff in honey. "
>> What exactly does that mean and why is it a negative?
>> Again, most commercial honey sold is pasteurized, so are you trying to
>> say that raw honey is somehow intrinsically healthier and not only
>> better for you in some way, but that it mitigates allergies, too?
>> Nonsense.
> * Raw unfiltered honey contains microorganisms and compounds proven to
>be beneficial to people .
At what levels? And how do those levels vary from hive to hive or area
to area or batch to batch? What specific microorganism and compounds
are you claiming? Name them and the amounts that raw unfiltered honey
is likely to contain.
Unfiltered honey contains bee shit, too. How beneficial is that?
>And yes , local honey does have a mitigating
>effect on allergic reactions due to pollen .
There is no peer reviewed research to back that claim. I will be more
than happy to change my opinion should you be able to provide the
scientific evidence.
>Pasteurized and
>hot-filtered (yes , they heat it to thin it so it passes thru the
>filters more easily) honey has none of these benefits . Believe what you
>want , those are the facts .
Honey, honey, have not presented any facts. All you
have done is spout nonsense.
If you have verifiable facts, present them.