Reviving crystallized maple syrup?
On 2018-11-07 12:00 PM, Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Nov 2018 09:17:47 -0600, Terry Coombs >
> wrote:
>> On 11/5/2018 4:20 PM, Boron Elgar wrote:
>>> On Mon, 5 Nov 2018 14:48:02 -0600, Terry Coombs >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Now , about the honey . Because of the way
>>>> microwaves heat , that is by molecular excitation , they destroy the
>>>> organic and microbiological stuff in honey . We eat enough to make a
>>>> difference , my wife has cut way back on antihistamines and other
>>>> sinus/allergy medications . I never took much , now don't take any at all .
>>> "...they destroy the organic and microbiological stuff in honey."
>>> What exactly does that mean and why is it a negative?
>>> Again, most commercial honey sold is pasteurized, so are you trying to
>>> say that raw honey is somehow intrinsically healthier and not only
>>> better for you in some way, but that it mitigates allergies, too?
>>> Nonsense.
>> Â* Raw unfiltered honey contains microorganisms and compounds proven to
>> be beneficial to people .
> At what levels? And how do those levels vary from hive to hive or area
> to area or batch to batch? What specific microorganism and compounds
> are you claiming? Name them and the amounts that raw unfiltered honey
> is likely to contain.
> Unfiltered honey contains bee shit, too. How beneficial is that?
>> And yes , local honey does have a mitigating
>> effect on allergic reactions due to pollen .
> There is no peer reviewed research to back that claim. I will be more
> than happy to change my opinion should you be able to provide the
> scientific evidence.
>> Pasteurized and
>> hot-filtered (yes , they heat it to thin it so it passes thru the
>> filters more easily) honey has none of these benefits . Believe what you
>> want , those are the facts .
> Honey, honey, have not presented any facts. All you
> have done is spout nonsense.
> If you have verifiable facts, present them.
I went searching for a credible study today and all I could find in the
limited time I had available were wild statements with nothing to back
them up. I'm always suspicious of any statement that starts: :Studies
show......." that have no links to recognised scientific journals. I did
come across one that had investigated numerous studies into raw honey
and found that they were all of very poor quality.
So, Terry, give us a link to a scientifically sound article on the subject.
AND, BTW, science IS my strong subject!!