"Kswck" > wrote in message . net>...
> "Larry G" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Very delicious. I decided to fry it in olive oil with salt and pepper. Boy
> > was it delicious. Some thoughts: even fried in olive oil, it left no
> > feeling
> > of grease as in food such as frying hamburger patties in their own juice
> > for
> > example. I'd forgotten how a good cut of beef can taste.
> >
> > I should probably spring for a more expensive piece though, it had more
> > gristle than I would have liked, but was otherwise good. Will a meat
> > tenderizer help remove gristle? That's probably my only complaint.
> > A 'good steak' is kind of a misnomer. Some prefer the chuck steak which
> > has a large bone and not much meat, but is quite flavorful. Others prefer
> > a filet mignon-which in my opinon is a rather tasteless cut.
> Just do not believe what you hear is a great cut of meat actually is, or a
> more pricey cut is definately better cause it costs more.
> You have to try a variety of cuts and make the determination on your own.
Round steak, pounded thin and chicken fried, nothing better.