Thread: Canned Peas
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Canned Peas

Janet wrote:
> In article >, says...
> >
> > Would you official UKers kindly post your recipe for "mushy
> > peas?" I like them but not sure I have been making them the
> > "official" way.

> You can't turn tender wimpy little fresh or frozen peas into mushy
> peas. Mushy peas are the lumberjacks of the pea world, hardmen who have
> to be tamed.
> They start with a special kind of pea called marrowfat pea which is
> picked at a later stage of growth, so larger more solid and tougher,
> then it's dried.
> quote
> "Love them or hate them there is no denying that t traditional mushy
> peas are an intrinsic part of British food favorite, fish and chips or
> with hot pies. There are many impostors out there using frozen and even
> fresh peas; none comes even close to the real thing.
> And just what is that real thing?
> Real traditional mushy peas are made using dried marrowfat peas that
> require and overnight soaking, and a long slow cooking. The result.
> Exactly as the name implies, mushed-up peas. Bicarbonate of soda is
> added to the peas while cooking and it this which causes the peas to
> explode and create the required mush. For some, it is this texture which
> is disliked, but fans will tell you, the soft, melting texture of the
> peas is lovely when eaten with freshly cooked hot chips, or a pie fresh
> from the oven. And if you are eating your mushy peas with a pie, then
> try a drizzle of mint sauce on top, delicious."
> The method follows on the website. I'll post it if you can't open the
> link.
> You can't make mushy peas from scratch in a hurry but luckily for us,
> we can buy tins of mushy peas cooked and ready to heat and serve, and
> that's what I do.
> Janet UK

Thanks for all that, Janet UK. So...I havent' had authentic ones
yet but I will go for them. Need to find those specific peas,

I'm glad I asked. You explained it all. This computer won't open
that link (the annoying all new security stuff) but I'm sure my
annoying laptop in the other room will get it. Actually would be
nice if you could go ahead and post it here so I can save it here
in my recipe folder.