On 11/11/2018 3:53 PM, notbob wrote:
> Were gettin some, today.
> Not a lot, but jes did a "snow shovel process", gettin the snow off my
> golf cart.Â* That requires me dressing the part --Sorel's, hat, gloves,
> layered outdoorwear, etc-- and gettin' me some "shovel time" in.
> Fortunately, got me some "fixin's". to cook the day away (told ya').
> Now, in the middle of "red beans sans rice".Â* Will do Jill's peanut
> brittle and maybe a pecan pie, later.
> Studyin' fer my ARRL Technician licence (plus CW) and watercolor
> painting of a pink rose.
> What you do'in?
> nb
Â* I'm drinkin' whiskey and poppin' pain pills ... Earlier today I cut a
large sideways limb off a red oak tree that needs to come out to make
space for the roof I'm about to build over a space to park our camper
trailer . It hit the top of my shop and made a hole in the steel roof .
Then I used the tiller to break up a space to plant the new thornless
blackberries we drove 45 miles (each way) to get last week . Then I
fixed the hole in the shop roof and put all the chainsaws and ropes and
everything else away . Tomorrow it's supposed to snow . And I still
haven't prepped a spot for the 2 new blueberry bushes we got the same
day as the blackberries . Or the 5 mums ... and it's time to plant
garlic and I need to get more firewood in and she wants a tee shirt for
Christmas but I don't know which one and so now I'm just sayin' fuggit
and getting drunk .
Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !