Dog3 <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote in
> Wayne > :
>> I came across a recipe today while thumbing through a very old
>> "collections" type cookbook. It was attributed to the Bevo Mill.
>> Does the Bevo Mill still exist? I remember half a century ago it was
>> considered a rather good German restaurant. I was only a kid when I
>> went there with my parents, but I remember thinking the food was good.
> It's still there. I think it changed hands. Last time I was there the
> food was not as good. They still had the band on the patio.
> Michael
Thanks, Michael. According to another poster, LB, who was there just last
week for a class reunion, Bevo Mill no longer serves the general public,
but only rents out for receptions, parties, etc. They seem to agree with
you about the food, and the A/C was also inadequate for the crowd.
More's the pity. It was kind of a grand old place.
Wayne in Phoenix
unmunge as w-e-b
*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.