Tenderizing smoked turkey pieces
KenK wrote:
> KenK > wrote in
> :
> > I got some smoked turkey breast pieces and found them, after
> > microwaving for three minutes, rather tough. Suggestions for
> > tenderizing them? Perhaps simmering them 15 minutes or so in hot
> > water will do it? Perhaps add something to the water to flavor them
> > a bit? They are already quite salty. Maybe I MWed them too long?
> >
> > Other ideas?
> >
> > TIA
> >
> >
> So sorry. Forgot to add one vital word - 'frozen'! That's why I MWed
> 3 minutes.
Hi Ken, best to defrost them in the fridge then at most, 30 seconds
heating. How long depends on how thick the pieces are.
The only smoked turkey I am familar with is sold wth the smoked ham
hocks (and actually look a bit like them). They are tough until long
soaked and cooked in a pot of beans or something.