Had a wonderful breakfast this morning, one I try not to indulge in
too often (for health reasons). But I leave Thailand in 2 days for a
stopover in Kuala Lumpur for a few days, then Australia for a couple
of months :/ Possessions can own/control your life sometimes, in this
case it's my farm back in Tasmania. It's on the market but taking time
to sell. So I must return for a while and give the caretakers a break.
Anyway... back to breakfast. This is real, northern Thai Isaan food:
Buffalo (water buffalo, that is) laab dib - raw, diced buffalo, bile
and blood, with chilli, garlic and various spices:
https://postimg.cc/MfBgLnG3 I love this so much. I tried it cooked
before, because of the health risks, but it just isn't the same.
Sun dried buffalo meat strips. I guess you can call it buffalo jerky.
It's then been coated in something and then fried. Delicious.
This one my wife couldn't really successfully translate for me... but
from what I can tell, it's a bile broth of sorts with liver. It's okay
IMO but I wouldn't order it myself.
all of the above is eaten with sticky rice, and washed down with beer.
Aroy <G>