On Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 9:34:39 AM UTC-6, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 01:20:22 -0800, Julie Bove wrote:
> > "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >>>> Irony: Julie handing out gratuitous advice telling you what your
> >>>> food needs.
> >>>>
> >>> Ain't that the damned truth. I'm willing to bet if quiche every crosses
> >>> her threshold it's one she's bought then will bitch they don't like
> >>> quiche.
> >>
> >> She's stated several times that eggs are her only "true allergy".
> >> So quiche advice from her is Extra Special USDA Grade AA Prime
> >> irony.
> >
> > Bullshit. I have no true food allergies. Eggs make me violently ill though
> > so I don't eat them. That doesn't stop me from making them though.
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=...8/D_aEsqd1bTcJ
> "I didn't have the egg allergy back then"
> -sw
Time after time and time again Ju-Ju is proved to be a flat out liar but
then will deny she ever said such a thing when proof is staring her in
the face. It must be awful not being able to keep your lies straight
and Ju-Ju definitely cannot.
Scratch a liar, find a thief.