Sheldon wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 11:33:46 -0500, jmcquown >
> wrote:
> >On 11/21/2018 9:36 AM, wrote:
> >> In the '40s kids could play in the streets unsupervised... a whole
> >> summer's entertainment cost a 25¢ Spalding and a broomstick... no one
> >> idled away their lives in front of a screen.
> >
> >That's because most homes didn't *have* a screen in the 1940's.
> >talking about television.
> At 7 years old I went to a real theater on a Saturday and spent from
> 10 AM - 5 PM watching two full length movies, 25 cartoons, several
> shorts, and newsreels all for 11¢... Hollywood movies were much
> better, not all the gore and filth like today. Now a movie ticket
> costs like $20 for one stinkin' film, today's movies are crap, and the
> multiplexes are like sitting in a factory hallway. After a day
> watching movies I joined my mom so we could enjoy a Chinese dinner,
> from soup to dessert on a real linen table cloth, and excellent
> service, 35¢ per, $1 included a generous tip. The last time I went to
> a movie it was to see Sophie's Choice, and I really didn't care for
> it. I've not been to a movie theater since... had to be some 40 years
> ago.
Except for some classic "revivals", I've pretty much given up on movie - going. There's a nice cineplex two blocks away, but out of like a dozen films playing at any given time, there's *nothing* decent to see...far cheaper and more comfortable to stream or buy a Blu-ray movie than going out to a thee - ater...
One revival classic I saw at that plex last year was "The Maltese Falcon", it was the most PACKED movie emporium I ever saw. I arrived 45 minutes early, thought I'd be early enough to snag a decent seat...NOPE...I got one of the last remaining seats in the *first* row, so I had to crane my noggin UP to view, in fact could see up Mary Astor's skirts, lol. The audience was not just oldsters, either, plenty of younger folks, including teens, millenials...
A local indie theater, the Music Box, sometimes has "Silent Saturdays", they show silent films on a Saturday morning, with live organ accompaniment (NO dirty jokes now!;-). This big theater is always about half - full for this, again many young - uns, including even small kids (with parents), many teens, etc. I thought the audience for silents was practically deceased by now, but not true, some young peeps are big silent fans...a good silent, properly presented, can be a stunning thing to see.
This is a fine place, it's exactly the same as it was in 1926, you'd like it: