Thread: Wolf's
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Default Wolf's

On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 09:53:02 +1100, Brice >

>On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 17:47:43 -0500, wrote:
>>I spent several hours today preparing Kasha Varnishkas for tomorrow's
>>dinner... we detest stuffing but love kasha. Kasha is far more
>>healthful than old bread saturated with salty fat. Were I younger I
>>might dedicate my 91 acres in Knox, NY to contract growing kasha.
>>Kasha (buckwheat) is a great cash crop.

>Do you eat soba noodles?

Not often but I do like those noodles... they are kind of 'meaty'
flavored. We do love kasha, I cook plenty so I can fill the freezer.
I just sent off an email to my daughter telling her to consider using
that property for growing buckwheat... when I purchased it I put her
name on the deed so it's her call on investing. I have already told
her that I won't agree on a solar or wind farm but feel free to grow
crops. That 91 acres is one of the best properties in
Albany County, building concrete structures would ruin it. For years
now it's been in hay, fine hay crops that are sent to NYC race tracks
for multi million dollar horses, and NYC police horses. But even the
best hay is inexpensive, buckwheat is much more a money crop.
For many years a beef farmer hayed it but after his wife passed he
decided to retire and sold his property to a new beef farmer and he
hays my property and things have been going well. Perhaps he will be
interested in farming buckwheat, or another local farmer will. It's
all my daughter's call, I'm too old to be a farmer commercially.
That Knox property is the finast land deal I've ever made.