Lettuce and water
On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 graham wrote:
>A US woman on the CBC this morning pointed out that bottled water is 96%
>water and 4% plastic. Lettuce is 96% water and 4% cellulose etc.
>Therefore, not only are square miles of good agricultural land being
>wasted but also all that fuel used to transport "water" across the
>country in refrigerated containers.
Do you know what else is 4% water and 4% cellulose... your pinhead.
Bottled water is bottled very local to where it's marketed, from
someone's hose bib... not transported more than perhaps fifty miles
and is NOT refrigersated. Do you know who else is a pinhead, all
those who buy bottled water at outrageous prices so they can pollute
the planet with mega-tons of plastic. And there's nothing special
about bottled water, it's only filtered for particulates like sand...
bottled water is no better than what comes from your municipal water
source... you'd do better to use your own tap water passed through a
paper coffee filter. All those cartridge type filters marketed are no
different than cheapo aquarium filters... you
can actually buy yourself a five gallon glass aquarium and an aquarium
filter filled with some glasswool and activated charcoal and make your
own much better than bottled water from your own tap water. If your
municipal water is chlorinated simply let it sit for a couple three
days and the chlorine will evaporate, same as is done with aquarium