2nd Day Turkey Dinner!!!
On Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 9:25:28 AM UTC-5, John Kuthe wrote:
> On Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 8:13:20 AM UTC-6, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> ...
> > Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
> >
> > The mythical price that the mfgr would like to get, but the real selling
> > price makes the buyer feel like they got a bargain.
> >
> > Cindy Hamilton
> No, that was back in our Old Daze when the MANUFACTURER of products had a very good idea of what their manufactured item may be worth in the U.S. "free market". But NOW all prices are set by the MalWartization of the retail markets!! NOT any semblance of any "free market"!!
> OBTW that is WAY EXCESSIVE for a gas stove! What's all that electronic CRAP on it? I bought a very adequate 4 burner gas stove+oven/broiler for about $300 NEW!
> John Kuthe...
Capitalism at work. You got the stove you wanted. I got the stove I wanted.
Darned near a perfect system.
Cindy Hamilton