"Cheri" wrote in message news
"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Cheri" wrote in message news
> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Ophelia" wrote in message ...
>> "Cheri" wrote in message news
>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> My radiologist yesterday was telling me that she hasn't time to bake,
>>> but her husband loves cakes! So what she does, is put some jam into the
>>> bottom of a bowl, put cake mix on top (I am assuming it was the packet
>>> thingies), covers it with Clingfilm and cooks it in the microwave for 2
>>> yes TWO minutes!!
>>> She said that when she takes it out, she turns the bowl upside down to
>>> tip it out and the jam runs down the side of the cake LOL. She said her
>>> husband loves it
>>> Has anyone here tried that??? I am considering whether to try it out,
>>> but I am not sure I want to mess up my (own) good cake mixture
) I
>>> don't make many cakes any more but it sounds a very easy option
>> Sounds like a mug cake, very easy. I keep a bag of the 123 cake mix
>> handy,
>> using different flavors, but I have found that you don't really need the
>> angel food, but it does make it lighter in texture.
>> https://www.kenarry.com/1-2-3-cake/
>> Cheri
>> ==
>> Gosh! I have never seen that before?? Does it work well?
>> Sorry I ought to have added, I don't know 1-2-3 cakes but I assume that
>> is a cake mix?
>> What is 'angel food'?
> No, 1-2.3 means 3 TBS of the cake mixture, mixed with 2 TBS of Water, cook
> 1
> minute in microwave. Angel Food Cake that I use in this is a cake mix,
> then
> add the cake mix flavor I like. mix the dry ingredients togethe well and
> store in a jar or plastic bag to use.
> Cheri
> ==
> Oh! So, you can take any cake mix (including your own?), use those
> measurements and cook it in the microwave?
> Actually that sounds as if it could be really useful !
> I think D. might be in for a big shock the next time we go shopping lol I
> never go down that aisle
I've never used my own for mug cake so don't know, but any mix works.
Thanks, Cheri. You have been very helpful and I am very grateful. It is
all so new to me
