"Fruitiest of Fruitcakes" wrote in message
On 29 Nov 2018, Ophelia wrote
(in article >):
> "Bruce" wrote in message
> ...
> On Thu, 29 Nov 2018 09:24:58 -0000, >
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > "Bruce" wrote in message
> > ...
> >
> > On Thu, 29 Nov 2018 07:45:18 -0000, >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > We have a slicer. I need one! I am not the best slicer in the world
> > > <g>
> >
> > Me neither. I try to slice our bread thin, but somehow only one side
> > always ends up thin.
> >
> > ==
> >
> > LOL You have been copying me!!! I do that too!!
> >
> > This is my slicer:
> >
> > https://www.argos.co.uk/product/7078372?cmpid=GS001&_$ja=tsid:59157|acid:480
> > -316-7430|cid:199888833|agid:17471076873|tid
> > 53|nw:g|rnd:922057835283090336|dvc:c|adp:1o2|mt:|l oc:1007315&gclid=EAIaIQobC
> > hMI6urXyaP53gIV6rDtCh2m0Aw1EAQYAiABEgI4APD_BwE
> >
> >
> > I hadn't thought of using it to slice my bread but then it isn't really
> > big
> > enough to take a loaf.
> Well, since you're the baker, maybe you could make half loaves and set
> the machine to "Slab" instead of "Slice"? (I saw that in one of the
> pictures.)
> ==
> Slab?? Oh? I never noticed. Mine doesn't have that. It is quite old now
> and that must a new modern feature. Fruity? Does yours have that?
No, not that I can find.
I can get it down to a very thin slice setting though which I find useful
the grandchildrens sandwiches.
The only other problems I find with it, is the loud noise it makes and the
fact that the spinning blade could be dangerous if my fingers slipped.
I haven't had that problem .. yet! it is getting a bit ancient.
Sounds like you need a newer one for safety!
> Or I could just bake smaller loaves <g> I don't always allow the loaves
> to
> bake in the machine
My old bread machine had a heavy paddle at the bottom which became embedded
in the loaf as it baked. On trying to lever it out of the finished product,
it tended to bring a whole chunk of loaf with it - which annoyed me.
That sometimes happens to me. I am thinking to try greasing it to
see if it makes it better.
For a time I used it on the dough setting and baked the bread in the oven,
but eventually I abandoned it altogether and went back to doing the whole
process by hand.
I often do that! Bread baked in the oven is much nicer, but
sometimes ...
But then fortunately, I am not (yet) an arthritis sufferer. My theory is
regular kneading might help keep any chance of that at bay.
Fingers crossed!!! Good luck and I hope you never need to
do it.