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Cindy hamilton
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notbob > wrote in message news:<RvL2d.451989$%_6.449805@attbi_s01>...
> On 2004-09-17, Nancy Young > wrote:
> >
> > Do you disagree with me? This refrigerator with a built in tv.

> I don't see what's so unusual about a tv built into a refrigerator. I know
> lots of folks that have a tv in the kitchen. Seemns like a good place to
> put it, a real space saver. Besides, with most of the newer upscale
> fridges, the tv is really a computer and the idea is to have a dedicated
> computer to help keep track of your pantry, menus, etc. The long range goal
> is to have self scanning refrigerators that keep track of what is, or
> isn't, in the fridge and automatically re-ordering groceries to on-line grocers
> that will deliver.

That must be somebody else's long-range goal. I wouldn't trust anybody
else to choose my produce or meat. If I'm going to the store for those,
why not pick up my own flour, ketchup, etc.?

>Naturally, this is just another case of inventing
> another bogus feature and then convincing us we need it. I can just see
> a whole new genre of magazines on how to hack your fridge so it WON'T
> automatically reorder a weeks worth of Marie Callender chicken pot pies.

Ah. I think it's a hardware problem. Just snip the Internet connection.

You know, they never think of hitting the Off switch when the crazy
computer is about to blow up the world. First, disable the uninterruptible
power supply, then hit the circuit breaker.

Cindy Hamilton