"Peter Aitken" > wrote in
> "Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> ...
>> (RMiller) wrote in
>> :
>> >>Dick leans over to the President and says....... "George, I
>> >>think it's pronounced 'Keesh' (Quiche)."
>> >
>> > heard that one used for Clinton.
>> The advantage of a good joke is that it can be turned on its head
>> and applied to the opposite side.
> But not this one. Think what you will of Clinton (or Kerry), but
> mispronouncing common words is not one of their faults.
But isn't that the old switcheroo, accusing others of your own sins
of ommission and of commission? How many times have those whose
thought processes have been Hannitized accused Clinton of causing the
economic difficulties that the US did not in fact start experiencing
until George had seriously damaged the budget? They are just as
capable of ascribing Bush's solipsisms and linguistic flaws to
Clinton, all except one "linguistic" matter...too bad George, it
might loosen you up a tad to get yourself laid every now and then
We get the same flatulent discourse here where the incoming
government will blame its need to put strict economic policies in
place on the depredations of the previous government (now in
opposition). Of course, now, we're actually finding out that
conservative governments are notoriously bad spenders and that it's
centrist and "leftist" governments (both federal and provincial) that
achieve balanced budgets within their first mandate. We have had a
number of examples of this since the days of Brian Mulroney.
The only place where this does not work is Alberta where the
Conservatives are unfortunately the natural ruling partei.
German to Picasso in front of Guernica: Did you do this?
Picasso to German in front of Guernica: No, it was you.