On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 09:46:53 -0700, Midlife > wrote:
>I'm sure it's just in my head, but after years of enjoying wine I still find
>myself intimidated by French wine...... particularly getting comfortable
>with identifying what's in the bottle from the label (and then remembering
>for next time). I've laughed it off as a way for the French to keep people
>from enjoying their wine if they aren't dedicated enough to figure it out,
>but it bothers me more and more that I just can't seem to get comfortable
>with this so important part of the wine world. (I HAVE noticed more French
>labels that identify the grape varieties.... but not enough for me).
>I live in California and have just found it easier to learn about more
>easily identifiable wines than figure out a way to tackle the French. I
>know that going to France would help a lot, but that's not in the cards at
>this time.
>So..... can anyone suggest a way to help? How would you teach this to a 10
>year-old?? That would seem to be a good place to start.
Found this book in a shop yesterday, and was tempted a bit to buy it
myself. It basically is a dictionary of the French ACs. Sounds like
just what you need. There are 1 or 2 whole pages devoted to each
Appellation. Gives grape varieties, sub areas, tasting notes, aging
recommendations, pretty pictures etc.
Alternatively, get hold of a good solid general wine text. For
This is hardly the most exiting book in the world, but it is good for
fuss-free information. It covers all wines, but France gets pride of
place. I have read it from cover to cover and got on with it well. I
think it will also answer your questions.
NB - I have given you links that will push a small percentage of the
book price in my direction - I am an Amazon affiliate. Feel free to
lop of the stirbitchcom09 bit of the URL if you object to this. I
would recommend the books anyway.
Best wishes.
Steve Slatcher