One time on Usenet, Julia Altshuler > said:
> The years went by. The book collection grew. Each move got harder and
> harder as packing up the books and shipping them became more of a pita.
> Finally, I moved in with my boyfriend and up here to New England. The
> books took up the better part of the moving truck. Once up here, there
> were 2 of us to debate where the books went and how to put the shelves
> up. In a moment of inspiration, I realized that anyone who would judge
> me or get to know me on the basis of the books on my shelves was shallow
> and I was shallow for thinking such a thing was possible. How neurotic
> could I get? Besides, there weren't that many guests over anyway, and I
> could get ahold of any book I needed quickly with the Internet and the
> library. In a quick rash decision, I gave away tons of books, books I'd
> been saving lovingly for years. Sometimes I regret it. Mostly I don't.
Wow, I don't know if I could do that. I have several shelves of books
in our front room, because I re-read them. I know, most people think
that's stupid, but I don't care -- a favorite book and a mug of hot
peppermint tea are a tiny bit of heaven for me...
J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
"I rule you!" - Travis of the Cosmos, ATHF
(COLD to HOT for e-mail)