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Gregory Morrow
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Scott wrote:

> In article . net>,
> "Gregory Morrow" >
> wrote:
> >

> Geez, reading some of the stories by the wait staff, I can understand
> why they get low tips. One writes: " was waiting on a family with a 4
> year old and a baby. The restaurant was packed, but I served their
> drinks and some bread right away, and even brought some crayons for the
> little girl. In that restaurant, childrens' meals always come up first,
> and I told them that. I came back to the table to check on them and
> refill their drinks and the 4 year old demanded very rudely at the top
> of her little lungs: "Where's my food? I'm hungry! Why is it taking so
> long!?!"
> Her parents didn't seem embarassed nor apologetic to me at all and told
> her that it would be out soon. I told her that it would be a few minutes
> (which it was).
> All of our kids meals came with fries and a package of Oreos, so when
> her food came up, I took the Oreos and crushed them inside the package
> before I brought them out. It made me feel better to see her picking out
> the crumbs later.
> Another time, I had another small child demand very rudely for a
> coloring book and crayons, again with no correction from his parents, so
> I brought out the coloring book with the most colored in pictures and
> one black crayon. I told him that was the only color we had left."
> 1) I hope the waitress received a small tip each time,
> 2) I hope she never has kids

1. If I had kids I sure wouldn't take them out to a restaurant so they
could play with coloring books. That kind of thing belongs in the school or
the home or in the back of the minivan - *not* a restaurant.

2. It's a certified fact that families with kids are the absolute *worst*
tippers. They'll run yer ass off and demand just everything and you'll be
lucky to get 5% *if that* in a tip. These types should be confined to wild
life reservations and not allowed in regular restaurants.

As cheap tippers go, they rank right up there with seniors partaking of the
Early Bird dinner special, groups of women (of *any* age), Koreans, and
ignorant bible beaters who for their Sunday post - church lunch tip will
leave the hapless server not a monetary tip but a religious tract decrying
the ungodly habit of working on Sunday to gain flilthy lucre...
