Pig Ass
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Posts: 3,763
Pig Ass
On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 11:29:41 -0500,
> Most hams are cured because fresh ham has a very short shelf life
> unless frozen and freezing makes ham dry and tough.
> Also a fresh ham is a large piece of meat that most people simply
> don't buy because even half a ham is too much or they haven't a clue
> how to prepare it. I always need to special order fresh ham, it's
> rare to see it out in the meat case. They come in cryovaced and once
> prepared for sale they are only good for 3-4 days.
3-4 days, baloney! They last as long as any other uncured piece of
pig. A cryovac leg of ham will last at least 14 days. And they're
not uncommon. Here's a 20-pounder packaged on Dec 6th and Sell By
Dec 20th.
Maybe I'll even go back Thursday morning and see if they have it
marked down to $1/lb.
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