Thread: Pig Ass
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Default Pig Ass

On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 Sqwertz wrote:
>On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 penmart01 wrote:
>> Most hams are cured because fresh ham has a very short shelf life
>> unless frozen and freezing makes ham dry and tough.
>> Also a fresh ham is a large piece of meat that most people simply
>> don't buy because even half a ham is too much or they haven't a clue
>> how to prepare it. I always need to special order fresh ham, it's
>> rare to see it out in the meat case. They come in cryovaced and once
>> prepared for sale they are only good for 3-4 days.

>3-4 days, baloney! They last as long as any other uncured piece of
>pig. A cryovac leg of ham will last at least 14 days. And they're
>not uncommon. Here's a 20-pounder packaged on Dec 6th and Sell By
>Dec 20th.
>Maybe I'll even go back Thursday morning and see if they have it
>marked down to $1/lb.

That's still in cryovac... only good for someone wanting the whole ham
as packaged... once removed from cryovac and trimmed for sale fresh
ham is only good for up to four days... same as any other cut of fresh
pork. They'll put out rib roasts and chops because they will sell
within a day or two. They put out boneless pork loins whole in
cryovac. However fresh ham needs to be special ordered, it won't be
removed from the cryovac and trimmed for sale until the day ordered...
I was placed on the list for Saturday pick-up about noon. I couldnt
be told a price as they hadn't arrived yet, I'm guessing ~$2.49/lb.

This week cured ham is on sale, shank half 66¢/lb, butt half 88¢/lb.
spiral cut $1.49/lb. Lately I've been buying cured ham for holiday
meals but I've tired of it and my wife won't help me eat it, she hates
ham in any form... in Belize her father raised pigs and chickens. It
was her job to clean the chickens, her father killed the chickens...
her father dispatched the pigs.

Obviously the dwarf knows nothing about fresh ham, he's never cooked
or eaten it... and he failed Reading Comprehension.
Stick to your pulled pork butt and 79¢/lb tube steak. I'll bet the
dwarf's x-mas dinner will be vienna sausage with cheap store brand
vinegar pickles.