On Fri, 28 Dec 2018 22:41:29 -0500, jmcquown >
>On 12/28/2018 5:24 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 12/28/2018 1:43 PM, notbob wrote:
>>> I gotta bunch or 'em.
>>> I'm not a pinto bean fancier, but I do love beans.* Anyone have a
>>> recipe, other than re-fried" beans and/or any kinda Mexican frijoles
>>> dish.**** Otherwise, I'm jes gonna give 'em away.* 
>>> nb
>> Well, you could always soak them, then cook them down in chicken stock
>> with sauteed vegetables (onion, garlic... you know the drill).* Serve
>> them alongside a mess of greens. 
>> Jill
>Oh, add to the beans and veggies a bay leaf and a sprig or two of thyme
>(or a tsp. of dried thyme). Cover and cook on low heat until tender and
>cooked down (about 30 minutes) but *not* to the point where all the
>liquid is all gone. Season to taste with S&P. I usually use navy beans
>for this but pintos should work just fine. 
I like refried beans, with pork chops... I prefer black beans but
pintos work well too.
Fry the pork chops and then mash the beans in the unwashed pan. Penzys
adobo is all the seasoning needed.