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Default To "prolly" or not...

Miche wrote:
> In article >,
> Katra > wrote:
> > Youse guys prolly take the internet WAY too seriously..... ;-D
> > Sorry, but I have more important things to worry about than
> > the way people spell words... and usenet typing errors!

> I didn't say I was worrying about it. I said I despise it. And refuse
> to use it.
> Miche
> --

Please please don't take that personally or seriously! :-)

The reason that I find internet "spelling" issues humorous is that, like
emoticons, it takes the place of face-to-face contact.

It's the only way we can share our personalities other than using the
delightfully dry humor that I find on this list... It's a substitute for
body language I think.

I've learned to appreciate them rather than letting them get to me. I
used to hate them too!

I still hate billboard signs that don't spell right. I think it is bad
for our kids spelling skills!

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