Circulon pot quality
On Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 3:31:38 PM UTC-5, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Tue 08 Jan 2019 10:46:41a, graham told us...
> > On 2019-01-08 10:27 a.m., Nancy Young wrote:
> >> On 1/8/2019 11:50 AM, Nancy2 wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Notbob, there is another way to clean the polished stainless
> >>> steel, like the All-Clad frypan my DIL was going to throw out
> >>> because she let a silicone scraper melt in the bottom.
> >>>
> >>> I went out to the Harley-Davidson dealer and got a small supply
> >>> of a product that will take
> >>> melted rubber or a synthetic rubber-like substance off an
> >>> exhaust pipe (like if a rubber protective
> >>> pad from a cycle suit got up against a hot exhaust pipe).
> >>>
> >>> It took a lot of elbow grease, but the scraper residue all came
> >>> off. And the finish looked like new,
> >>> and the pan is still as non-stick as it was originally.Â*
> >>> Ta-dah! Magic!Â* ;-))
> >>
> >> An All Clad pan is worth fighting for.
> >
> > Certainly true as All Clad is still being made in the US and not
> > China! All of my pans were made in Denmark, France or Italy. It's
> > difficult to find good bakeware these days that's not made in
> > China but I have some Chicago Metallic that is of superb quality.
> You can't beat Chicago Metallic for quality. All of my metal
> bakeware is from Chicago Metallic. Nearly half of what I have was
> bought by my mother back in the late 1930s. It seems to last
> forever. The rest I bought. I have a few piees of tempered glass
> and ceramic bakeware.
I don't really bake, but I've got four half sheet pans from
Lincoln/Vollrath/Wearever that I got at the food service supply.
They're indispensible for everything from baking cookies to
ferrying packs of soup or leftovers down to the freezer (top of
a fridge, not a deep freeze) in the basement.
Cindy Hamilton