Well ... I made this recipe today and it went down very well
I still can't get the tofu to stay in one piece to fry in chunks!
I even bought this:
Heh it didn't stay long in one piece and it broke down into wee pieces.
This is exactly what happened before I bought the tufu press!
So, I did what I did the last time ... I fried the pieces for a while and
then added the sauce. After a while, I strained it and put it in the Air
fryer to crisp it up.
It came out as you see in the pic and he loved it. I guess I will be making
it like that from now on! Anyone want to by a tufu press? <g>
Anyway, this is what it looked like. Yes, those brown bits in the front are
the tofu lol At least the eggs, Chinese leaves, chopped tomatoes, cucumber
and potatoes cheer it up a bit
D. likes it just like that so ... I am a happy bunny
