Heating some deli roast beef
On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 06:53:55 -0700, graham > wrote:
>On 2019-01-13 6:52 a.m., Janet wrote:
>> In article >, rfdjr1
>> @optonline.net says...
>>> So say I'm in the mood for a nice roast beef dinner, but can't make an entire
>>> roast as it's just for me. I go to the grocery and the deli has some nice rare
>>> roast beef. I have them slice me off a one inch slice and take it home. I cook
>>> some potatoes and veggies. What's the best way to warm up the meat? Under a
>>> broiler? In the microwave? I'dd llike it to stay as rare as possible. Thanks.
>> Well, I wouldn't.
>Neither would I! I *never* reheat roast meat. It tastes vile to me.
It's fine *warmed* with gravy, you don't want it hot or it will no
longer be rare. Even a roast you cook yourself is eaten warm... after
it rests and is carved it's not hot. Roast beef cooked rare is never
really hot while roasting, at best 130º is barely tepid... after
resting and slicing it's only a few degrees over room temperature,
plced on a cold plate it'll barely be room temperature... anyone who
wants hot roast beef doesn't like rare.