Another wtf? - Smoked watermelon
On Tue, 22 Jan 2019 08:24:50 -0500, jmcquown wrote:
> On 1/21/2019 3:14 PM, ChattyCathy wrote:
>> On Mon, 21 Jan 2019 12:05:12 -0800, Cheri wrote:
>>> That's NOT Jill.
>>> Cheri
>> <switching on headers> Probably not.
>> I thought the trolls had lost interest. Guess I was wrong.
> There's at least one troll who regularly forges posts, allegedly from
> me. I don't see the nasty fake posts unless someone replies to them. I
> sure as heck wouldn't say anything like that to you!
Yeah, I shoulda known better - but I was waaay out of practice checking
the headers in detail, etc. I have started doing that again. Sigh. The
'newer' version of my newsreader (which is all I could find that sort-of
does what I want) has lost a lot of the features I liked - or buried them
somewhere. Why am I not surprised?
Chatty Cathy