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Another wtf? - Smoked watermelon
On Tue, 22 Jan 2019 02:05:24 -0800 (PST), dsi1
> wrote:
>On Monday, January 21, 2019 at 3:14:50 PM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:
>> On Mon, 21 Jan 2019 11:06:37 -0700, jay > wrote:
>> >On 1/21/19 8:50 AM, ChattyCathy wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I love fresh watermelon - but I'll pass on this. Even if I owned a smoker.
>> >>
>> >
>> >CC, it looks pretty good! I may try making one next time I fire up the
>> >pit in the spring.
>> >
>> >jay
>> Might give it a try with one of those seedless dwarf sized warty
>> melones, usually $3. With a large watermelon I like to scoop out the
>> flesh with a melon baller, same with a cantelope and a persian
>> melon... put it all back into the warty melone shell. add some grapes,
>> whatever fruit you like and place it in the fridge over night and add
>> a couple cups of vodka or bubbly champagne so it maserates over
>> night... that I know is superb, never gets wasted, although some folks
>> can't stop fressing until they are wasted.
>> Today I went to a new neurosurgeon to see about getting epidural shots
>> in my spine. My last doc picked up and moved the entire facility to
>> Noo Joisey. This doctor came highly recommended. After reviewing my
>> last MRI and givng me three back x-rays he gave me an appt. for the
>> shots this Thurs at 3 PM. He knew my last doctor and the entire
>> staff, plus reviewed all my reports on line. He seemed very confident
>> that he could help me. he xplained that most of my pain was from
>> arthritis and spinal stenosis. He explained that nothing could cure
>> that but the shots could relieve the pain for a while. He told me
>> that back surgery won't help, it'll just lead to more surgeries. He
>> explained that back surgery is indicated for trauma from a damaging
>> accident, but will do nothing for pain from aging. We'll be there
>> Thurs. afternoon.
>> On the way home we had to pass The Gold Coin, brought home a large
>> corrigated carton of Chinese food (chinks), more than enough for
>> tonight, tomorrow night, and and the next night. My wife said my spare
>> ribs are much better, my fly lice is better too.
>> Any way it was a very busy day, it went very fast.
>Last night I went to a Chinese restaurant with my son and his family. One of the things we had was beef broccoli cake noodle. Cake noodle is a local specialty that every Chinese restaurant in the state serves. Everyone on this rock loves that stuff! When the Hawaiians go to a Chinese restaurant on the mainland they are saddened to hear that nobody there knows what cake noodle is. That's the breaks.
Cake noodle looks exactly like ramen... before cooking it's a hard
>Several times during the dinner I went outside the restaurant to watch the lunar eclipse. It was a most amazing sight. The crispy gau gee we had was filled with the most amount of stuffing that we had ever seen. I made a joke about the gau gee gets stuffed like that only once in a red moon.