On Tue, 22 Jan 2019 07:18:43 -0700, jay > wrote:
>On 1/21/19 6:14 PM, wrote:
>> Today I went to a new neurosurgeon to see about getting epidural shots
>> in my spine. My last doc picked up and moved the entire facility to
>> Noo Joisey. This doctor came highly recommended. After reviewing my
>> last MRI and givng me three back x-rays he gave me an appt. for the
>> shots this Thurs at 3 PM. He knew my last doctor and the entire
>> staff, plus reviewed all my reports on line. He seemed very confident
>> that he could help me. he xplained that most of my pain was from
>> arthritis and spinal stenosis. He explained that nothing could cure
>> that but the shots could relieve the pain for a while. He told me
>> that back surgery won't help, it'll just lead to more surgeries. He
>> explained that back surgery is indicated for trauma from a damaging
>> accident, but will do nothing for pain from aging. We'll be there
>> Thurs. afternoon.
>Hope it helps! May be good that back surgery won't help. Opens the door
>for a lot of awful follow ups. Just finding a way to live with it is a
>lucky find. Wonder if there is any PT that can also help.
Soon enough I'll find out if it helps. A neurologist will tell you to
avoid surgery as all that does is create scar tissue necessitating
further surguries. A surgeon will recommend surgery, it becomes their
cash cow. Years ago the doctors at work urged me to stay away from
back surgery Twenty years ago most doctors prescribed opiates for
pain, I took a half dozen and tossed them. Advil and vodka works with
no addiction. Each morning I take 2 advil Minis, one more midday and
two at bedtime. After dinner I sip a Double D vodka with diet Sprite
and lots of ice in a large glass that can hold a dozen full size tray
ice cubes. I tried PT for a short while, that was no help but was
simply witch doctor agony, another cash cow for charlatans. Any YMCA
can orchestrate the same exercises at less than $30 per month.
Swimming and water aerobics helps with back pain, the Y does that,
however the nearest Y with a pool here is a sixty mile round trip. My
wife used to go to that Y but she said it's too far so she goes to one
ten miles from here, they have everything but the pool, and that pool
gave her constant sinus infections. I've been dealing with this back
pain for twenty years so I've learned what helps and what doesn't. At
75+ years old I know that nothing in medicine can reverse aging. All
one can do is stay active, maintain a proper diet, and have a positive
attitude... and rememember that laughter is the best remedy for all
that ails you. One of the main reasons we moved up here to the sticks
was to keep active. Moving to a condo in the south where someone does
everything for you was not for us. Everyone we knew who retired to a
warm weather condo never made the first year and were in hospice. Even
not having a pet is a major detriment, caring for a pet keeps one
active but more importantly maintains one's positive attitude to
live... loving pets gives one impetus to live.
Just now my wife returned from skiing and her long time friend took a
fall and was transported to a hospital in Albany, they won't release
her for several days, she obviously suffered a serious concusion...
they asked her who was the President and she didn't know... she didn't
remember that she was skiing. Her husband who is older is unable to
drive up here from NJ so her daughter is on her way. Skiing is
dangerous at any age but especially for seniors. I wish my wife would
give it up but they become addicted. She's addicted to golf too but
golf is far safer.