"jmcquown" wrote in message ...
On 1/23/2019 11:13 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "jmcquown" wrote in message ...
> On 1/23/2019 7:23 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>> On 1/23/2019 12:51 AM, Mother of Seven wrote:
>>> When I opened my microwave oven this morning, there was a rat inside. I
>>> was going to get my husband's rifle, but did not want to make a hole in
>>> the microwave. So I just slammed the door again, and turned on the
>> That's bullshit and you're a troll . I know people who depend on the
>> gov't dole , and neither their food stamps nor their WIC have been cut .
> Troll, for sure.
> BTW, I'm pretty sure people have been in situations where they ate rats
> when they were starving. Prisoner of war camps come to mind.
> Jill
> ==
> I was wondering how the rat go into the microwave oven, when 'she' had to
> open the door to see it ... 
I wondered about that, too. My microwave is built-in. Nothing can get
in or out unless I leave the door open (which I don't). It's a
completely enclosed space so there's no way for a rat to get in there.
Nor into the actual oven below it, come to think of it.

and even if you leave the door open, how does mr rat close it??
Hmmm?? ;p