OT: To "prolly" or not...
On Sat, 29 Nov 2003 03:22:56 GMT, Julia Altshuler
> wrote:
>That's two of you found it amusing and liked it. Thanks for the note of
>support. The funny thing is that I wasn't trying to be funny when I
>wrote it. I figured someone would be mad at me for admitting that I
>sometimes killfile people for their writing style as opposed to the
>content of their posts.
>(There's also the "too many abbreviations" discussion and the "doesn't
>trim previous discussion" discussion and the "top posts/bottom posts"
>discussion and the "too/two/to" discussion and the "apostrophes in
>plurals discussion" which is quickly followed by the "no apostrophes in
>contractions" discussion ...)
Yeah, but... As the length of the thread (so far) shows, some rambling
discussions are of interest to many. It's therapy. :-) Why do (many)
people like Andy Rooney's commentaries? Many of his pieces present
gripes *we* have, and so we watch and mutter, "right. And what about
X, too?"
As for repetition, since the day the first internet cooking newsgroup
was formed, the subject of chilli/chile has resulted in the same
virtually endless thread of recipes, arguments about ingredients, etc.
Surely everything that *can* be said *has* been said. But it goes on.
And on. And enough people are interested to keep it going.