On 2/9/2019 5:31 PM, Worker wrote:
> I have a vintage Revereware kettle inherited from a relative and I use
> it because we had one like it when I was a kid.
I inherited the Revereware kettle Mom had when I was a kid.
> However, it sounds like a banshee when it whistles and it's getting on
> my nerves.
What would you like to hear, little birdies chirping? (j/k) You're not
supposed to sit and listen to it wail.

It only takes a few seconds
off the heat to simmer down. (get it? simmer down?)
> Can anyone recommend one that actually sounds pleasant (or at least not
> awful)? Obviously, it's hard to tell what a kettle sounds like from a
> listing on the Internet or in a box on a shelf in a store. So, you know,
> people instead of ads.
> Thanks!
Sorry, no recommendations. On the rare occasions I use it I'm nearly
always in the kitchen so when it starts to whistle I just move it off
the heat. That shuts it up.