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Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a
Default To "prolly" or not...

dogsnus > wrote in

> Frogleg > wrote in
> :
>> On 28 Nov 2003 15:00:12 GMT, dogsnus > wrote:
>>>Wayne Boatwright > wrote

>>>> Does anyone actually verbalize the "word" *prolly*, or just type
>>>> it?

>>>I never say it, and can't remember every typing it.
>>>But I have no problem parsing it and have been known to deliberately
>>>type a word mispelt for humor.
>>>ie: I donut geddit
>>>Me? I just don't care overly much as long as I can get the general
>>>idea of what they're trying to convey.

>> I *loathe* the "well, you know what I meant" argument. We could
>> presumably satisfy basic needs by pointing and grunting.

> Perhaps.
> But I've found on this medium that the ability to spell and type
> well aren't necessarily indications of intelligence.
> Or even an indicator of knowledge.
> Conversely, someone who writes well isn't always worth reading
> either.
> If I demanded perfect grammar and spelling only, while listening
> or reading; and refuse to give consideration to viewpoint of someone
> who doesn't meet those expectations, I feel that I am the loser.
> Not the speaker/writer/poster.
> One of the most influentual people in my life was a woman
> who didn't receive any formal eduation past the sixth grade.
> She quit and stayed home to help take care of the family.
> She could barely read and certainly couldn't spell very well.


As the OP, I was not referring to those among us who may lack education
and write and speak poorly as a result. I would certainly make an effort
to understand what they are trying to convey and would not be critical.

I was referring specifically to the idiotic non-words that some posters
seem either to find "cute" or are just to lazy to spell correctly. It's
very easy to tell the difference.
