I threw out all the Chocolate Covered Cherries! 2 months out!
Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 6:39:30 PM UTC-5, John Kuthe wrote:
>> On Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 4:41:37 PM UTC-6, Thomas wrote:
>>> Make chocolate. Plan to sell chocolate. Toss in garbage.
>>> Good planning.
>> I have a BUNCH of stuff left that WE are still eating! I made a HUGE batch of Caramel Pecan Things, an extra English Toffee, etc just in case (Orders?) which never happened!
>> I can AFFORD IT! I'm wealthy, remember? :-)
> Think of the petroleum used to ship the cherries and chocolate from
> South America to St. Louis. Wasted.
> Cindy Hamilton
Yabut, those ships and trucks burn diesel fuel. Aircraft burn jet fuel,
same stuff as kerosene, just spec'ed and tested better.
They burn *NO GASOLINE*
So, he's safe, and his cherries burn *NO GASOLINE*