Pea Soup again
On Fri, 22 Feb 2019 16:59:45 -0000, Janet > wrote:
>In article >,
>> On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 12:06:31 -0700, U.S. Janet B. >
>> wrote:
>> >I know I have an ironing board tucked in a corner where I can't reach
>> >it. Should get rid of it. Not sure about where the iron might be
>> I can do better than that. I have a brand spanking new $80 iron, never
>> used, still in its box. It is about 7 years old.
>> JB
> One of my children was causing some concern at nursery so was sent for
>a developmental assessment. In it he was shown picture cards and asked
>to name the object or say what they were used for. Afterwards the
>ed.psych said to me " he just doesn't recognise or know the names of
>some everyday objects, like iron, and ironing board".
Did you send him to a special school?