"bruman" > wrote in message
> Hi Matt
> I am also looking at this grill. I saw it the other day at Loew's. The one
> they had out on display also had the rotiserie motor and spit setup. If it
> really comes with the deep fat fryer AND the rotiserie in the standard
> 499.00 package then this might be the grill for me. I also am skeptical
> about the dual cooking areas. I also noticed that it had no thermometer. I
> would love to hear more on this thread.
> Anyone else???
> Bruce
Consumer reports rated the $279 Lowes Coleman grill highly for the money.
But when I went looking the only Coleman in stock was the $399 one, (similar
to the one you ask about but without the fryer and rotisserie, and a bit
smaller). I finally decided that for $279 I'd take the chance, but there
were construction features I didn't like in a grill that cost much more than
that. Mainly the cheap feeling lid, including lightweight end castings, and
simple hinge pin arrangement - doesn't seem 4-500 dollar sturdy to me. I
ended up with the Jenn-air 460P (last years, on half price blowout) which
has been nothing less than a delight (but it weighs a TON).
You might check
www.thegrillingweb.com, they have forums where your grill
*may* be discussed, as well as extensive discussions of lots of surprises
folks find *after* they buy - might pay to evaluate some of their issues,
and check how your prospective grill measures up.
All that said - I haven't cooked on the Coleman, so my thoughts are only
about grill selection in general...
- Bo