Enjoy trip. I like Oregon more than Napa simply cause its not nearly as
commercial. Not fancy at all in Oregon.
Had some excellent wines when I was in Victoria BC and since you are going
there you might enjoy checking out Harrold St Cafe/Bisto...or something like
that. Real good and reasonable.
Exchange rates are going to be good for you...USA is on sale...buy all you
want while here. Canada will be a great sale for you.
"Ian Hoare" > wrote in message
> Salut/Hi Richard Neidich,
> le/on Tue, 21 Sep 2004 16:26:15 GMT, tu disais/you said:-
>>Good post..
> Thanks
>>however Oregon is more like Burgundy and Californias Napa is
>>more like Bordeaux.
> I know, but these two were the first ones to come into my head. I wasn't
> trying to imply that the size or geography was similar.
>>FYI--you will see when you come later this year or next.
> Not long now. I've written to around a dozen Oregon Wineries and have
> dates
> or in principle agreement for around half of them so far. We'll be
> visiting
> between Friday 5th Nov and Tuesday the 9th. Leaving here in just about
> three
> weeks. We're beginning to get excited.
> --
> All the Best
> Ian Hoare
> http://www.souvigne.com
> mailbox full to avoid spam. try me at website