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Was hoping I'd find _someone_ with a thought on this. If you've been
waiting for someone else to field it, don't be shy - jump right in. I found
it to be a very well-made wine (albeit it a bit on the oaky side), but have
_no_ idea what to serve it with.

Roy wrote:

> I just had a '98 Woodward Canyon "Charbonneau" that was a blend of 95%
> Semillon and 5% Sauvignon Blanc. Very strong Semillon character and
> rather a bit on the oaky side. ...
> Anyway, the question arose: "What _would_ be a good accompaniment for
> this wine?" Thoughts?

Thanks (in advance) to any takers.


- Roy

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. -
Mark Twain
The truth is rarely pure, and never simple. - Oscar Wilde