"Dog3" <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote in message
> "Bob (this one)" > :
> > http://www.newsday.com/mynews/ny-lit...,4014777.story
> >
> > As it should be.
> >
> > If it's mandatory, it's not a tip, it's a service charge.
> >
> > Pastorio
> Good. That whole thing was creepy. I especially liked this part from the
> patron:
> "I'm happy to have it behind me, but the whole situation shouldn't have
> happened to begin with," Taveras told The Post-Star of Glens Falls. " ...
> Now I can tell my kids 'Daddy's not a crook.'"
> Instead of crook, he's just a cheap asshole.
Perhaps you can explain why not leaving a tip (or a big tip) when you get
crappy service makes one a "cheap asshole."
Peter Aitken
Remove the crap from my email address before using.