Food today, 2/27/19
On 2019-02-27 11:35 a.m., U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> Our weatherman has given up trying to tell us what is going on. We
> have Frog (frozen fog) and mixed precip. I'm not going out to shop
> today, I'm raiding the deep freeze. Soup for lunch from frozen stock
> -- clean out the veggies in the fridge. Usual suspects, onion celery,
> carrots, potato, cabbage, green beans, maybe some bell pepper and a
> couple of mushrooms. Bay leaf and thyme of course. Dinner. I'm
> thawing a couple of thin cut pork chops for sandwiches on Kaiser rolls
> that I am thawing. Probably Apple Crisp to round out dinner.
> How about you? The way I see it everyone here is scheduled for
> unpleasant weather.
We are supposed to get 15 cm (6 in) of snow today. It doesn't sound like
a lot, but the stuff that is falling is extremely fine, which means that
it will be heavy to move and will easily pack down and become very
slippery. I went out for a coffee a while ago and, even though I had
started slowing well in advance of our lane I almost slid past it.
We took some chicken legs out of the freezer for supper tonight. I will
probably throw a potato in to bake with the chicken, and there are some
nice green beans.