"Terry Coombs" wrote in message ...
On 2/27/2019 12:48 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 2/27/2019 12:00 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> We are supposed to get 15 cm (6 in) of snow today. It doesn't sound like
>> a lot, but the stuff that is falling is extremely fine, which means that
>> it will be heavy to move and will easily pack down and become very
>> slippery. I went out for a coffee a while ago and, even though I had
>> started slowing well in advance of our lane I almost slid past it.
>> We took some chicken legs out of the freezer for supper tonight. I will
>> probably throw a potato in to bake with the chicken, and there are some
>> nice green beans.
> At 79 degrees, I did not slide coming back from the store.
> Took four thighs out of the freezer so, chicken soup tonight. Got
> everything cooking and realized we had no thyme, thus the trip to the
> store. Just simmering for a while now.
I hate it when I run out of thyme ...it's like 65° here today and the
road is finally dried out enough to ride the Harley out of here . But
I'm too damn busy working on the house - today is another sheetrock day
.. As far as food for today , I'll find something soft ... I had my last
tooth pulled on Monday and new dentures "installed" . I've got holes
rubbed in my gums from the first night , before they started "final
fitting" them and my mouth is so sore I can't put the bottom denture in
.. Can't chew much with just the top one . But beer don't need chewin'
and it's made from grain so ... right now I'm drinking lunch .
Better than nothing
