Thread: Peanuts
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Default Peanuts

On Wed, 27 Feb 2019 20:53:23 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>I know there was some sort of peanut problem a few years ago. Just can't
>remember what. Puny peanuts? Drought? Something that.
>Now I am having trouble finding plain peanuts. I can find the Cocktail ones
>but Redskin or unsalted Dry roasted are hard to find. Can't even find online
>unless I pay a really high price. Seems the flavored nuts are far more
>common. Also seems like much less shelf space devoted to nuts in the stores.
>Anyone else having this problem?

I bought about 3-4 lbs every couple of weeks for months of raw peanuts
took them home and air fried/roasted them but then I stopped because
peanuts have shit loads of calories...


____/~~~sine qua non~~~\____