Sugar consumption
On 2019-03-03 4:42 a.m., songbird wrote:
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> From and MSN article:
>> Sugar consumption spikes
>> The sugar industry began funding research in the 1960s to minimize the
>> health risks of sugar and emphasize the dangers of fat. The marketing
>> campaign apparently worked, as sugar consumption exploded from a couple
>> pounds per person per year to 123 pounds per person in 1970 and to 152
>> pounds today€”or about 42.5 teaspoons per day, compared to the
>> recommended 13.3 teaspoons.
> i wonder how that graph looks when compared to
> diabetes/pancreaitis/pancreatic cancer rates...
> i have never had any doubts about the problem
> as you commonly see people with their 32+oz cups
> of fizzy sugar water/etc all over the place (
> even small children!).
> songbird
Not only that but cookies and cakes are also loaded with sugar. It was
something I noticed when I arrived in N. Am. When using any cookie
recipe, I always cut back the sugar content by half, and they are still
a bit too sweet.