Meat Score !
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Meat Score !
On Thu, 07 Mar 2019 17:33:21 -0600,
>On Thu, 7 Mar 2019 18:13:21 -0500, jmcquown >
>>On 3/7/2019 4:50 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2019-03-07 2:55 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Yes, we all know about your heart problems.* If I'm going to have a
>>>> heart attack it probably won't be because I eat the occasional steak.
>>> It is not about my heart problem. It's about the fact that my
>>> cholesterol level was fine. It was well within the accepted level. My
>>> brother's level was also fine when he had a heart attack. We both
>>> thought that he had nothing to worry about because our cholesterol
>>> levels were fine.
>>Okay, how about this. If I have a heart attack it likely won't be due
>>to cholesterol or eating meat. It was the troll who is trying to
>>trounce eating meat... again. I'm still not worried about gluten,
>Wow you call me a troll and you call me a vegan I am neither, I eat
>meant but I also enjoy tofu, or a good salad, but then again I will
>tear into a delicious steak....
I think the meat thing was a stab at me. I don't know why because I
didn't say anything about meat in this thread. She's getting on...
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